Five Easy Ways on How to Solve WiFi Problems

Carmel Miguel
Home WiFi issues can sometimes be too inconvenient for anyone to experience, especially when you need to wait for a home service of staff from the network provider before the Internet connection gets fixed. Fret no more because we’re listing five simple DIY steps to address your Home WiFi dilemmas.

Five Easy Ways on How to Solve WiFi Problems
Five Easy Ways on How to Solve WiFi Problems

1. Poor WiFi signal

To save yourself from having a poor WiFi signal, the simplest and easiest way to so is to try putting your router away from things that may interrupt the signal waves like cordless phones, microwave ovens, and thick walls. Aside from this, you can also move and stay near the router and adjust your router’s antenna, if there’s any.

2. WiFi moocher or “Kapit-WiFi”

Oftentimes, the reason why your internet connection is slow like a turtle can’t be found inside your house. A colloquial term known to many, “kapit-wifi” is one of the typical issues encountered by those with home WiFi. To avoid unauthorized WiFi moochers from accessing your connection, you can change the password from time to time, and much better, you can hide the name of your WiFi and require anyone who wants to join in to type the name manually. To do this, toggle the SSID broadcast option in your router’s firmware setting.

See Also: WiFi Deadzones at Home and What You Can Do About Them

3. Interrupted connection because of too many connected

Having everyone in your home connected in a single WiFi network with one or more family members hogging all the bandwidth will definitely make the internet connection slower. To solve this, you can use Quality of Service (QoS) to ensure equal WiFi enjoyment for everyone by specifying in your router’s settings which applications should be prioritized.

4. No WiFi signal at all

When your WiFi shows no signal at all, check if your router is properly connected to the power socket and whether it is turned on. You can also address this by turning the router off and turn it back on after a minute or so.

5. Device can’t connect to the WiFi network

When a specific device can’t connect to the WiFi network you have to check the following things; (1) if the device joined the correct network, (2) if the right password is entered, (3) if the device is within the router’s range, and (4) if the device’s WiFi settings are turned on.

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