Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 Now Official |
The Snapdragon 855 comes with Snapdragon Elite Gaming and support for multi-gigabit 5G. As a 7nm processor, the flagship chipset features a 4th-Gen multi-core Qualcomm AI Engine that is said to deliver up to 3x the performance of previous NPU mobile platforms.
It also sports the X50 modem that will support faster mobile data connection through 5G connectivity. Moreover, it has the 3D Sonic Sensor, which offers the industry’s first ultrasonic in-display fingerprint scanner.
See Also: Vivo Successfully Tests 5G-enabled NEX with Qualcomm X50 Modem
The Snapdragon 855 will also elevate mobile photography through its Computer Vision ISP.
Qualcomm didn’t reveal further details. So, stay tuned for more updates.
Meanwhile, we could expect that 2019 flagship smartphones will be loaded with the Snapdragon 855. Who’s excited?